Tuesday 24 October 2017









And it's not just the concept of the Human Soul which psychiatrists abhor.

Psychiatrists also deny the existence of the Human Mind !

EVEN THOUGH THEY PRETEND TO BE THE EXPERTS ON MENTAL HEALTH !   And even though, according to the best English dictionaries "Mental" means: "of the Mind, done by the Mind and involving the Mind"!

So that "MENTAL Health" means: "the Health of the MIND".   i.e. that organ of which the theories of psychiatry deny the existence ???    It just does not make sense !

Until we examine "WHY" psychiatric theory totally denies the existence of both our Souls and our Minds.

How could they possibly have got things so wrong, when not only Christianity but billions of other World religious congregations ALSO acknowledge the existence of our Souls ?

Apparently it was a very simple mistake, but one which they now refuse to correct - to avoid losing their hugely influential position in our society.

Early psychiatric researchers, and some psychologists, made the mistake of assuming that because Man and numerous Animals both have a "Flesh & Blood Body" plus "a Brain", THEN, basically, they must both be Animals, with Man in charge of the World - because (it was further assumed) he must have a "superior" Brain.

So they studied millions of rats, mice, Pavlov's dogs and numerous other flesh and blood animals in the mistaken belief that they were also, at the same time, studying Mankind !

However, Human Beings clearly have, or more accurately ARE, Souls - a spiritual beingness which has yet to be detected in Animals.

Furthermore, whilst both Animals and Man exhibit possession of a "body-protective" stimulus-response or reactive "Mind" capable of Identifying physically damaging anti-survival factors in the environment, Animals show none of Man's superior abilities to make Comparisons and to Differentiate.    Both of these abilities are additional thought processes essential to logical analysis, scientific research, progress, the amassing of knowledge, the undertaking of responsibility and the control of one's environment and destiny.

In other words, although possessed of a flesh and blood body, a brain and a Reactive Mind (all of which are found in most animals) A HUMAN BEING IS NEVERTHELESS AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SPECIES - being a Soul which is additionally possessed of an Analytical Mind, not found in animals.

It's the same error which might arise if novice engineers conducted extensive research into petrol driven motors and, having come to certain quite rational conclusions about them, then turned their attention to electric powered motors as another subject on which to apply their engine theories.

They would find that both motors are of strong metallic construction. That both deliver their output in the form of powerful rotation which can be harnessed to drive the wheels of a road vehicle, etc., and that they both need some form of gearing to take optimum advantage of that power under various usage conditions.

And they might even conclude that: "engines are all engines".

They would also be aware that, in the first engine, if you increase the amount of petrol going into the engine, it will go faster.     Therefore, in an effort to increase the speed of the electric engine, they might make the mistake of thinking it could be a good idea to feed it with petrol !


But no more stupid than trying to transfer theories gained mainly from the investigation of Animals, to Human Beings who have an entirely different driving force in life, as well as an entirely different set of goals, purposes and abilities.

The explosive damage created by feeding petrol to an in-operation electric motor is very much akin to the damage a Human Being (and his environment) suffers when you feed psychiatric animal based Mental Disorder theories to Mankind.

But since 1952 and even earlier, that is exactly what international psychiatry has been doing, even though in 1942 Britain’s most famous, revered and successful Prime Minister - Winston Churchill – found it important to write the following condemnation of psychiatrists:

I am sure it would be sensible to restrict as much as possible the work of these gentlemen, who are capable of doing an immense amount of harm with what may easily degenerate into charlatanry (quackery & fraud).

The tightest hand should be kept over them, and they should not be allowed to quarter themselves in large numbers upon the Fighting Services at public expense.”

But with the help of the war itself, abusive researches done by Psychiatrists on prisoners in Nazi concentration camps in Germany, and later animal researches done in the United States, Britain and other countries, these pseudo-scientists have, in company with pharmaceutical producers, slowly and carefully taken control of not only our N.H.S., but also our schools, our Social Services, our prisons, our Armed Forces, our care homes for the elderly and our drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres, with the devastating results we see all around when we know where to look.

For example, the huge rise in cases of Dementia (on which psychiatry pretends to be THE experts and for which they prescribe increasing amounts of increasing numbers of toxic addictive and other drugs to our ageing population) stands out as the worst current example of what the Reactive Mind can do to Man, when undetected and unhandled by those self-appointed” experts”.

Churchill recognised that psychiatrists: “are capable of doing AN IMMENSE AMOUNT OF HARM” and in respect of Dementia, they constantly increase the power of the Reactive Mind by enlarging its content with daily attacks on the body and mind by prescribing poisonous, addictive and hypnotic pharmaceutical drugs – not to cure, but merely to handle symptoms which their so-called “treatments” inevitably only make worse, whilst making more sales and profits, for their pharmaceutical fellow-travellers.

So the major change we should be encouraging is a move from failing and dangerous psychiatry and psychology, to a healing modern science of mental health as represented by Dianetics®, the world’s most effective and widely used mental science, which works - because it not only recognises the Mind(s), but also acknowledges the existence of, and works with, our Souls - NAMELY US !

Psychiatrists have long labelled their activities as "Mental Health" in order to "sell them" to Royalty, Ministers, other politicians, Civil Servants, the Media and the general population, BUT in fact it is now clear that psychiatry’s main role today is as the U.K’s ‘pusher’ of addictive pharmaceutical prescription drugs.

Described in its own training literature as: “The branch of medicine which deals with mental disorders, their origins, diagnosis, treatment and prevention”, modern psychiatry is revealed in that same literature as being comprised of a wide range of disagreements between various schools, factions or ‘authorities’ arising from “a long and controversial history”.

It is therefore not surprising that Dr Chris Evans’ authoritative description and definition of psychiatry concludes with the following revealing paragraph:

The trouble with psychiatry today is that it is still without a working theory, not just of the mind but also the disturbed mind.   Even a definition of ‘mental illness’ is not easy to come by, so perhaps it is not surprising that to this date psychiatric methods have inevitably been of a hit or miss variety” !

In the two decades after World War II, alongside the associated practices of psychology and psycho-therapy, psychiatry was busy giving Electric Shock “Treatment” (ECT) and Narcotic Shock “Therapy", plus carrying out psycho-surgical operations such as pre-frontal lobotomy and leucotomy.    Whilst, because of their lack of curative results, these practices peaked in the late 1950s, they are still EVERY DAY delivered in many European countries including Britain and other so-called “civilised” countries. (Yes - every day !).

It was in the nineteen fifties and sixties that the international pharmaceutical industry in a sense came to the rescue of a psychiatric industry which was by then showing an increasing lack of acceptable results. Seldom if ever a genuine cure, and more often than not a worsening of a patient’s condition and living quality, as well as regular shortening of his or her life.

It is interesting that a hundred years ago, ‘everybody’ knew that if a patient was being “treated” for some illness, then the intention was to see that that patient was ”cured” of that illness.

But even before the nineteen fifties, pharmaceutical industry marketing departments began to realise that every time a patient was cured of an illness, he stopped taking his medicine, and so at the same time he also stopped being a consumer of drug company products:  WHICH WAS NOT GOOD FOR PROFITS.

This coincided with the recognition that many so-called mental illnesses were associated with bio-chemical factors.   i.e. a recognition that chemical compounds (including many foods) could create conditions in human beings which psychiatrists could then label as “neuroses” and / or “psychoses” or “mental disorders”.

The American Psychiatric Association took advantage of these apparent “mental” symptoms, to start publication of its now infamous 1952 first edition of its “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders”, which originally listed only a few dozen or so behavioural traits as “newly discovered mental conditions.

And the idea of “managing mental health” with prescription drugs was soon developed by this psycho-pharmaceutical fraternity, along with the concept of “sickness management” (and “habit management” in the field of drug abuse). i.e. NOT "curing"merely "managing" !

"Why" (their marketing people asked) "provide a patient with medicines or drugs for a few weeks in order to cure him, when you can sell him a disorder “management drug” for life simply by addicting him (or her)" ?

Insulin, asthma-inhalers, tranquillisers, anti-depressants, Metformin, anti-histamines, Ritalin, Prozac and the benzodiazepines, etc., etc., and in respect of “addiction management” for life – methadone, buprenorphine (Subutex), naloxone, Suboxone and disulfiram (Antabuse), etc. - all paid for by our taxpayers !

Business for psychiatrists and for the drug companies has been expanded over the years firstly by the American Psychiatric Association adding hundreds of new “mental disorders” to its “diagnostic and statistical manual” (including inventing illnesses like “Social Anxiety Disorder” and A.D.H.D. to create new uses for existing drugs), and secondly by pharmaceutical companies developing more and more and more prescription drugs to meet the demand created by the psychiatrist’s newly “discovered” and / or “found” and in fact actually “invented” or “labelled”, so-called mental ‘disorders’.

And the beauty of “treating” mental disorders is that, unlike physical health, which is recognisable by most people, “only a psychiatrist can diagnose mental health” – or so say the psychiatrists !

Any business enterprise which continuously delivers what it promises clearly deserves to succeed.     But how do you make profitable and keep on expanding a mental health business which year after year fails most of its consumers ?    (i.e. Fails NOT its shareholders or political masters, but its non-recovering patients).

Four vested interest policy factors additional to those already mentioned have helped to build the psycho-pharmaceutical industries into the richest and most powerful businesses in the world:

* By all possible means, falsely convince government that psycho-pharms alone are the experts in the drugs field and that they should therefore not only be the sole providers of “treatment”, but also THE “expert” advisers on State policy for all forms of health issues and all forms of substance ‘misuse’ and ‘abuse’.

* Convince government that all forms of medical and prescription based “treatments” for mental health, should be chosen – not by the patients – but by government employed and other psychiatrists, and paid for from taxpayer funds.

* Take advantage of the addictive and / or hypnotic habituating nature of many prescription drugs and other licensed substances to create a culture of irresistible dependency which can be relied upon to DAILY bring patients back for more and more drug supplies to “manage” their particular health “problem”.

* Ensure that any other expertise and success in the health field – particularly in respect of mental health and addiction – is criticised, ridiculed, condemned and generally side-lined and marginalised, so as to avoid having psycho-pharm failures exposed by the successes of other superior systems or technologies in other countries.

These policies, and the control which multi-national psycho-pharmaceutical industries exert over them, are responsible for the huge over-spending by national health services and health insurance companies across the western world.

A majority of N.H.S. funded medicines no longer cure patients, but instead day after day “manage” only their health problem symptoms with addictive drugs.   And now that we know for sure that such "management" costs the N.H.S. Ten Million Pounds a day (£10,000,000 every single day) then the only possible result is more and more addicted patients, more and more addictive prescriptions and thus less N.H.S. money to spend on more badly needed medical staff, hospital premises, medical equipment and A&E, etc, etc.
And the proof is that this IS the result we have !
WE HAVE ALL BEEN CHEATED - Including Prince Harry, his brother, his sister-in-law, Mrs May and her Cabinet, AND WE ARE STILL BEING CHEATED EVERY SINGLE DAY.

And we will go on being cheated UNTIL Ministers, other Politicians, Civil Servants and the Media cast off the blind-folds and ear-plugs which psychiatry and the pharmaceutical industry have persuaded them to wear, and instead START SPEAKING WITH AND LISTENING TO THE PRACTITIONERS OF THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH - "DIANETICS".

Around the world, millions of individuals are today saying "Thank God for Dianetics" - because Dianetics includes THEM - their spiritual beingness, as well as their bodies, brains and minds.

But it is impossible to say "Thank God for Psychiatry", when the vastly greater part of psychiatric theory denies God's presence AS WELL AS the very existence of psychiatric patients' immortal Souls.


This Blog researched and Published by

Society for an Addiction Free Existence

P.S. Phone (01342) 811099 if you would like to study for a qualification in:
The Modern Science of Mental Health - "DIANETICS®" by L. Ron Hubbard.

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